If you find that you’re struggling with cravings and slips, there are medications that can help. With self-help books, social support, and/or therapy, you can also learn different ways to manage the urges with various coping skills. The social trends of https://ecosoberhouse.com/ “Dry January” and “Sober October” have challenged people to stop drinking for a month to decrease their tolerance, improve their health, and get a different perspective on their drinking. And everybody’s like, good, Anya, that shit, that it’ll kill you.

  • If we’ve been drinking, sometimes it’s with teenagers.
  • That’s mainly due to the DNA damage that occurs as a result of the body breaking alcohol down into the chemical acetaldehyde.

Now, I put my health first by drinking less. Carrying around less guilt and shame, less anxiety, and less stress is a gift to every single cell in my body. It took me decades of questioning my relationship to alcohol before giving it up completely. I was terrified that a life without alcohol would be boring and deprived. Now, after five years of sobriety, I know this couldn’t be further from the truth.

You’ll have a better sex life

If you’re interested in learning more about me or the work I do or accessing free resources and guides to help you build a life you love without alcohol, please visit hellosomedaycoaching.com. And I would be so grateful if you would take a few minutes to rate and review this podcast so that more women can find it and join the conversation about drinking less and living more. So, I think you know what, once you ditch the booze, then almost everyone starts to become really interested in all the other pieces. Because how will you not you know, once you start to like yourself, and you what you can start to focus on self-care. Of course, you want to think about what you’re putting in your body. Of course, you want to care about the environment, and what you’re putting on your skin.

But in this moment, and I say for other actually tigers, or fire, obviously, if there are run, but otherwise, if in this moment, I’m safe, let’s just sit with that emotion and ask what’s really going on. Whereas of course, for years, what we did was, you know, feel a bit upset about something, and then go, Oh, my goodness, how do I deal with this? You know, the unconscious mind says, well, obviously, you just numb it out right now. In the early weeks, every single thought becomes a big episode of having to kind of remember that we are not our thoughts that we can actually pause and decide to make a decision. So, Janie, when I read that I was just totally Fan Girling – dim and distant past. And it’s always quite interesting, because, you know, the producer will often ring me and say, will you contribute to this piece?

Improved heart health

And we in the United States also tend to put people in a category, right? Either you’re an alcoholic, or you don’t have a problem, yet we’re here to tell you to drink less. And I do think it’s very important to find women that you relate to who have stopped drinking and say that it’s better on the other side, even if they love drinking. And I think it’s important about the work you’re doing, you know, talking to people about stopping drinking life on the other side being happier, and health and well-being. Well, in framing, not drinking here increasingly, as just a health choice.

alcohol free lifestyle

And just use all the beer cans and fill up the trash cans. They would give us trash bags that were supposed to fill up and leave in certain places you would drink and then fill up the trash. So that’s, you know, that’s another good tip. Nutritionally, I’m a really big fan of alcohol free drinks.

Alcohol-Free Life: How To Live Happy, Healthy And Sober with Janey Lee Grace

It’s the blogs and competitions and the podcast is there and everything else. And there’s a membership part of it, if anyone’s interested in that, which is a huge member portal full of content, and kind of a group as well. So yeah, there’s a lot going on, and I’m on social media very easy to find @janeyleegrace. Keep that gratitude list, you know, and write down the tiny things that happened. For years and years, I wrote my first book 16 years ago, imperfectly Natural Woman, I sometimes joke that I was.

alcohol free lifestyle

When you stop drinking, it feels as if a huge weight has been lifted. A bottle of wine contains around 600 calories… that’s the equivalent of three doughnuts! Add in a bit of junk food (helpful for battling a hangover) and it really adds up.

You may be surprised to learn that alcohol is one of the only substances with the potential for life-threatening withdrawal. And many people also don’t realize that you can experience withdrawal symptoms even if you were only drinking a couple of drinks a day, or not even every day. April is Alcohol Awareness Month, so it’s a good time to talk about how to quit drinking safely and what to expect if you’re going alcohol-free. It’s no secret that alcohol use increased with the COVID-19 pandemic, and that has caused some people to start questioning the role of alcohol in their life.

  • And then, you know, in the 1970s, the anti-tobacco movement happened and, you know, it took a while it didn’t just happen overnight.
  • And so the consequences that did come were like, okay, you’re getting suspended from school, but I didn’t take it seriously, you know, or even then back then they, they had us on the honor system for community service.
  • I have more energy for new projects at work and at home.

So, one thing follows on from the other. And in The Sober Club, we love kind of bringing in a whole load of other stuff as well. And even people who, you know, we’ve had people in the sober club, who I remember was one woman who’d been sober for something like 18 months, but then she was about to go on a long haul flight.

For a long time, I was performing jobs that I was capable of doing, but I didn’t really love. Since quitting drinking, I have aligned with what is right for me. No more ‘Sunday Scaries’ when going back to work on Monday. Most of us realize that alcohol is heavily alcohol free lifestyle woven into modern culture, but going alcohol-free is going to increase your awareness of the direct and indirect social pressures to drink. You’ll start noticing how many alcohol references you see throughout your day, and it will probably be annoying at times.

Over time, drink­ing alco­hol can cause you to gain weight because your body process­es the alco­hol before oth­er nutri­ents. The unused nutri­ents, such as sug­ar, are con­vert­ed to fat and stored in your body. Alco­hol can also stim­u­late your appetite, caus­ing you to eat more than you nor­mal­ly would. Reduc­ing the amount of alco­hol you con­sume can help you to make bet­ter food choic­es and elim­i­nate unnec­es­sary calo­ries and sug­ars from your diet.

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